Thursday, October 30, 2003

The baby watch continues. I am not anxious. She will come when she is ready, and we still have a ton of work to do.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

The philosopher, Alan Watts once said, "Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth."

I am in the process of trying to switch cell phone service and switch internet service providers at pretty much the same time. I have been busy republishing and advertising my new email address and my new phone number. I sure would hate to miss that lovely spam that fills my inbox with incredible nonsense, and I would really hate to miss that really not-so-important call that rings and rings and robs me of a life.

Ahhh, the tangled web of technology that weaves such a moral dilemma.

On one hand, I have a fear of getting lost in the cyber world never to be found again while on the other hand I kinda would like to get lost in cyber world and never be found again.

Have I allowed the technology of my life to define who I am or have I simply used it to enlarge who I am?
I probably should get back to programming my new phone.

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Just a thought on a bleary, dreary wet Sunday in Columbus.

We have been doing a lot of purging of our personal things trying to make room for the baby. I remember not too long ago, throwing away what I thought to be a bunch of junk only to discover a few days later that I really needed what I had thrown away. At that point there was absolutely no way of salvage or retrieval. It was gone. No rolling back the clock. No going back and doing it over. It was gone and that was final.

I have seen leaders treat people as if they were expendable. Amazing. Is it really possible? Disposable people? We do have disposable trash bags, disposable dishes and tableware, disposable cameras, disposable diapers, disposable everything. I guess we need the convenience of knowing that when we are done with it (whatever "it" is), we don't have to keep it around.

Disposable people? Sadly so. But the truth is you may treat them like they are expendable, but that doesn't change the fact that they are not. We really do need each other. Good and bad. Blemishes and scars. Beautiful and ugly. Baggage and all.

You cannot treat someone as if you do not care and then expect them to think that you give a rip. Hypocrisy? Maybe. What I do know for certain is that no matter what type or style of leader you are, if no one is following you, then you are just taking a walk.

I heard someone say one time, "People will never care how much you know, until they know how much you care."

If people are disposable, then leaders are disposable.