Monday, October 10, 2005

I took a trip to West Virginia for business. It was a good and fast trip. I cannot go back there without getting somewhat nostalgic. I am trying to reconnect with my roots. I am trying to learn as much as I can about the area where I was born and raised. I stopped at a local bookstore and picked up a couple of historical books about the area.

I guess I am feeling an obligation to pass on something of significance to my children. I think that a legacy is not something to take for granted. It was on this trip that I came up with the idea that I need to take my oldest daughter (at least - if not even the entire family) on two trips.

The first trip will be a spiritual heritage trip / family heritage trip, where we will drive to the river valley and visit spiritual "monuments" in my life. We will also visit family sites and historical sites. It is a trip to get her focused on the past.

The second trip will be a trip to expand her view of the world. I would love to take her to London or Africa but that is just not possible right now, We will go to the most international city we kind find within a days drive: New York City. She can learn that our world is a mish-mosh of cultures, people and experiences.

The trips will be designed to help her touch the past and view the future. I can't wait.