Okay, today I got really tired of looking at the neat piles of stuff stacked up around my office and I went into a cleaning fit. Files that needed tossed, pictures that needed hung and clutter that needed a trash can. It was therapeutic (as cleaning always is), and in all of the clutter, I found reason.
So many lives allow things to accumulate. They are the "I will eventually get to that, but for now it is fine right where it is" issues. These are not paper and files and photos but these cluttering things are of the heart. Maybe the clutter is relationships that haven't been valued like they should and so they have fallen into disrepair. Maybe it is time not taken for family. Perhaps, even worse, time not taken for God. Maybe it is a complete loss of quiet time. Music always on, television always playing, no silence for meditation or contemplation of the things of God.
The scriptures say that "God is not the author of confusion." I believe that the child of God is called to not only live a sanctified life, but I believe that we are called to live an uncluttered life.
My office looks pretty good now. But how uncluttered is my life?
Love is such a wonderful thing. It can cover the pain and make you forget the hurts of the past. And it makes the entire ride worthwhile.